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The Materiality of Sound

Alexandra Bell, Materiality of Sound
Alexandra Bell, Materiality of Sound
Alexandra Bell, Materiality of Sound
This research project explored the sonic properties and phenomenological experience of sound in different materials; the effect of shape and structure on sound activation; and perspectives on materiality in creativity.

Gallery visitors experienced a sound installation through funnels (ear trumpets) and antler ‘sculptures’ made of glass and plastic laboratory equipment, in order to compare their experience of each.

This extended the work of the 1960s Light and Space Art Movement (LAS) by adding sound to experiments with light and materials. The viewer is encouraged to immerse in the work over an extended period, changing the personal mechanisms of perception over time, in a rejection of the distractions and anxiety of current day “always-on” communications. The research outcomes informed the sound design for subsequent series of work The Wave is Not the Water.

Alexandra Bell, Materiality of Sound